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Inside CTR Preloaded Capsular Tension Ring
Advantages of using Inside® CTR:
- Expands and stabilises the capsular bag.
- Distributes even pressure to all zonular fibres and prevents uneven pressure to single zonular fibres.
- Ensures centration of the IOL, even with post-operative capsular bag shrinkage.
- Reduces the risk of capsular bag or zonular damage during surgery.
- Facilitates phacoemulsification, cortical aspiration and IOL implantation.
- Replaces the need for a scleral IOL.
- Simplifies potential IOL explantation.
- Reduces the incidence of folds in the capsule
- The Capsular Tension Rings have eyelets at both ends to facilitate insertion
Indications for using Inside® CTR:
- Defective or partially missing zonules.
- Potentially complicated surgical conditions.
- IOLs luxation.
- Zonuloysis.
- Pseudoexfoliation.
- Marchesani Syndrome.
- Stabilises the capsule in cases of severe myopia.
Contraindications for using Inside® CTR:
- Zonular damage extending more than 120° (4 hours) of the circumference.
- Patients under the age of one year.
- Chronic uveitis.
- Progressive eye disease (diabetic retinopathy, uncontrolled glaucoma).
- Preoperative complications prior to cataract surgery (vitreous body prolapse, haemorrhage).
- Patients with perforated or damaged capsule.